What is acupuncture?
Acupuncture is defined as the insertion of very thin sterile needles into specific points along the body. The stimulation of these points causes local muscle relaxation, release of natural pain-relieving hormones such as serotonin and endorphins, increased local circulation, and blockage of pain signals in the body.
According to Chinese medicine, the needling of meridians or pathways eliminates the blockage of chi or the energy life force and allows the body to achieve balance.
What conditions respond to acupuncture?
The most common indication for acupuncture is pain, ranging from chronic arthritis, to ​post-surgical orthopedic recovery. Other conditions that frequently respond well to acupuncture include but are not limited to:​
​anorexia (decreased appetite)
arthritis (joint pain)
asthma or coughing
dermatologic conditions (allergies, skin infections)
immune support (chronic infections, cancer)
inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)
kidney disease
laryngeal paralysis
liver disease
musculoskeletal injuries
neck pain
neurologic disease (disc protrusions, embolisms, and degenerative myelopathy)
pain (back, neck, musculoskeletal)
post-surgical recovery
urinary problems (cystitis or incontinence)